200 Daftar Top PlayStation 4 Video Game Review Terbaik Dari Metacritic
Metacritic adalah salah satu dari sekian situs web ternama yang mengulas tentang industri video game di seluruh dunia. Perusahaan metacritic com saat ini diakuisisi dan dimilki oleh CBS Corporation. Metacritic sendiri memakai Metascores dalam pemberian skor dari ulasan rata-rata tertimbang setiap produk. Dan beberapa media daring menyebutkan situs Metacritic sebagai agregator peninjau industri video game paling direkomendasikan, baik untuk pengguna platform PlayStation 4 (PS4), Xbox One, Switch, PC, Wii U, 3DS, PS Vita maupun iOS.
Berkat penilaian tinggi game “Redem Dead Redemption 2” yang rilis pada tanggal 26 Oktober 2018 silam oleh Pengembang Rockstar Games. Dimana game tersebut mendapat skor mencapai 97 dari skala 0 sampai 100, dan masuk kategori “Universal acclaim”. Membuat game ber-genre Action Adventure dan Open-World tersebut, meraih Awards & Rankings sebagai juara pertama “Best PS4 Game of 2018” dan juara kedua untuk “Most Discussed PS4 Game of 2018” dan ‘Most Shared PS4 Game of 2018” di situs Metacritic.
Meskipun dianggap sebagai dianggap sebagai situs agregasi ulasan online terkemuka di industri video game. Metacritic tak lepas dari pro dan kontra dari penialain kritikus. Dimana The Guardian menilai bahwa banyak analis bisnis dan keuangan akan memakai Metacritic, sebagai salah satu indikator awal melihat potensi penjualan sebuah game. Sementara The Wall Street Journal menulis bahwa Metacritic dapat mempengaruhi penjualan dari video game
Dimana akibat dari pemberian skor rendah pada sebuah video game, dapat merusak potensi penjualan dalam jangka panjang Sementara studi yang diungkapan dalam situs dailydot com, bahwa skor metakritik tidak mempunyai dampak dalam penjualan game.
200 Daftar Top PlayStation 4 Video Game Review Terbaik Dari Metacritic
1. Red Dead Redemption 2 (97 User: 7.9 Oct 26, 2018)
2. Grand Theft Auto V (97 User: 8.3 Nov 18, 2014)
3. The Last of Us Remastered (95 User: 9.1 Jul 29, 2014)
4. God of War (94 User: 9.1 Apr 20, 2018)
5. Persona 5 (93 User: 8.7 Apr 4, 2017)
6. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (93 User: 8.2 Sep 1, 2015
7. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (93 User: 8.4 May 10, 2016)
8. Journey (92 User: 8.4 Jul 21, 2015)
9. Bloodborne (92 User: 8.9 Mar 24, 2015)
10. Undertale (92 User: 6.5 Aug 15, 2017)
11. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (92 User: 9.2 May 19, 2015)
12. Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition (92 User: 7.6 Aug 31, 2018)
13. Shadow of the Colossus (91 User: 8.1 Feb 6, 2018)
14. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine (91 User: 8.9 May 30, 2016)
15. Resident Evil 2 (91 User: 9.0 Jan 25, 2019)
16. Celeste (91 User: 6.6 Jan 25, 2018)
17. INSIDE (91 User: 8.3 Aug 23, 2016)
18. flower(91 User: 7.2 Nov 15, 2013)
19. Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition (90 User: 7.9 Aug 19, 2014)
20. Overwatch (90 User: 6.4 May 23, 2016)
21. Shovel Knight (90 User: 7.6 Apr 21, 2015)
22. Rayman Legends (90 User: 8.4 Feb 18, 2014)
23. Fez (90 User: 6.3 Mar 25, 2014)
24. Monster Hunter: World (90 User: 7.6 Jan 26, 2018)
25. Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 5 - The Vault of the Traveler (90 User: 8.0 Oct 20, 2015)
Baca: 200 Daftar Top PC Video Game Review Sepanjang Masa Dari Metacritic
100 Daftar Top Movie Review Terbaik Sepanjang Masa dari Rotten Tomatoes
250 Daftar Top Movies Terpopuler Sepanjang Masa dari IMDb Rating
26. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone (90 User: 8.8 Oct 12, 2015)
27. Astro Bot: Rescue Mission (90 User: 8.9 PlayStation VR Required Oct 2, 2018)
28. Steins;Gate Elite (90 User: tbd Feb 19, 2019)
29. Apex Legends (89 User: 6.9 Feb 4, 2019)
30. Rez Infinite (89 User: 7.7 PlayStation VR Compatible Oct 13, 2016)
31. Titanfall 2 (89 User: 8.4 Oct 28, 2016)
32. Dark Souls III (89 User: 8.8 Apr 12, 2016)
33. Tetris Effect (89 User: 7.7 PlayStation VR Compatible Nov 9, 2018)
34. Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood (89 User: 8.6 Jun 20, 2017)
35. Bastion (89 User: 7.8 Apr 7, 2015)
36. Dragon Age: Inquisition (89 User: 7.4 Nov 18, 2014)
37. Battlefield 1 (89 User: 7.9 Oct 18, 2016)
38. Horizon Zero Dawn (89 User: 8.4 Feb 28, 2017)
39. Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition (89 User: 6.5 Sep 3, 2014)
40. What Remains of Edith Finch (88 User: 8.1 Apr 25, 2017)
41. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (88 User: 7.7 Nov 4, 2014)
42. NieR: Automata (88 User: 8.9 Mar 7, 2017)
43. Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration (88 User: 8.1 PlayStation VR Compatible Oct 11, 2016)
44. NBA 2K17 (88 User: 6.4 Sep 16, 2016)
45. Dishonored 2 (88 User: 7.9 Nov 10, 2016)
46. Injustice 2: Legendary Edition (88 User: 7.2 Mar 27, 2018)
47. Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition (88 User: 7.9 Oct 27, 2015)
48. Owlboy (88 User: 6.7 Apr 10, 2018)
49.Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (88 User: 6.7 PlayStation VR Compatible, PlayStation VR Required Oct 13, 2016)
50. The Talos Principle (88 User: 8.2 Oct 13, 2015)
51. Nex Machina: Death Machine (88 User: 7.9 Jun 20, 2017)
52. Nioh (88 User: 8.5 Feb 7, 2017)
53. Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (87 User: 7.6 Jul 1, 2014)
54. Bloodborne: The Old Hunters (87 User: 9.0 Nov 24, 2015)
55. XCOM 2 (87 User: 7.3 Sep 27, 2016)
56. Injustice 2 (87 User: 8.1 May 16, 2017)
57. The Witness (87 (User: 7.2 Jan 26, 2016)
58. Dead Cells (87 User: 7.5 Aug 7, 2018)
59. Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition (87 User: 6.9 Jan 16, 2018)
60. Night in the Woods (87 User: 7.4 Feb 21, 2017)
61. Dragon Ball FighterZ (87 User: 8.0 Jan 26, 2018)
62. Batman: Arkham Knight (87 User: 7.8 Jun 23, 2015)
63. Okami HD (87 User: 7.9 Dec 12, 2017)
64. Marvel's Spider-Man (87 User: 8.7 Sep 7, 2018)
65. TowerFall Ascension (87 User: 7.0 Mar 11, 2014)
66. FIFA 14 (87 User: 6.3 Nov 12, 2013)
67. Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 (87 User: 7.2 Sep 15, 2015)
68. Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (87 User: 7.9 Mar 24, 2017)
69. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (87 User: 7.5 Oct 27, 2017)
70. Odin Sphere Leifthrasir (87 User: 8.1 Jun 7, 2016)
71. Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (87 User: 8.4 Dec 4, 2018)
72. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin (87 User: 8.0 Apr 7, 2015)
73. Sonic Mania Plus (87 User: 7.8 Jul 17, 2018)
74. NBA 2K16 (87 User: 6.7 Sep 25, 2015)
75. Fallout 4 (87 User: 6.6 Nov 10, 2015)
76. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (86 User: 8.5 Oct 9, 2015)
77. Tales from the Borderlands: A Telltale Game Series (86 User: 8.1 Oct 20, 2015)
78. F1 2017 (86 User: 7.6 Aug 25, 2017)
79. Velocity 2X (86 User: 6.9 Sep 2, 2014)
80. Stardew Valley (86 User: 7.6 Dec 13, 2016)
81. Thimbleweed Park (86 User: 7.5 Aug 22, 2017)
82. Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- (86 User: 8.0 Jun 7, 2016)
83. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (86 User: 8.4 Jul 11, 2017)
84. Sonic Mania (86 User: 8.4 Aug 15, 2017)
85. Resident Evil 7: biohazard (86 User: 7.9 PlayStation VR Compatible Jan 24, 2017)
86. Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward (86 User: 8.3 Jun 23, 2015)
87. Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn (86 User: 7.3 Apr 14, 2014)
88. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age (86 User: 8.7 Sep 4, 2018)
89. Destiny: The Taken King (86 User: 6.2 Sep 15, 2015)
90. Guilty Gear Xrd: Rev 2 (86 User: 7.8 May 26, 2017)
91. OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood (86 User: 6.5 Mar 3, 2015)
92. Resogun: Heroes (86 User: 7.2 Jun 24, 2014)
93. DiRT Rally (85 User: 7.9 Apr 5, 2016)
94. Crypt of the NecroDancer (85 User: 6.7 Feb 2, 2016)
95. Battlefield 4 (85 User: 7.0 Nov 12, 2013)
96. Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition (85 User: 7.5 Aug 29, 2017)
97. DOOM (85 User: 8.3 May 13, 2016)
98. NBA 2K14 (85 User: 6.5 Nov 12, 2013)
99. Life is Strange (85 User: 8.6 Oct 20, 2015)
100. Nioh: Bloodshed's End (85 User: 6.6 Sep 26, 2017)
101. Rocket League (85 User: 8.5 Jul 7, 2015)
102. Final Fantasy IX (85 User: 9.0 Sep 19, 2017)
103. DJMax Respect (85 User: 7.5 Mar 6, 2018)
104. Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 (85 User: 7.3 Sep 13, 2016)
105. Resogun: Defenders (85 User: 7.1 Feb 17, 2015)
106. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA (85 User: 8.1 Sep 12, 2017)
107. Yakuza 0 (85 User: 8.4 Jan 24, 2017)
108. MLB The Show 17 (85 User: 6.9 Mar 28, 2017)
109. Destiny 2 (85 User: 4.9 Sep 6, 2017)
110. Assault Android Cactus (85 User: 6.5 Mar 8, 2016)
111. Super Mega Baseball (85 User: 7.3 Dec 16, 2014)
112. Yakuza Kiwami 2 (85 User: 7.9 Aug 28, 2018)
113. Rogue Legacy (85 User: 7.7 Jul 29, 2014)
114. Wipeout: Omega Collection (85 User: 8.2 PlayStation VR Compatible Jun 6, 2017)
115. Mortal Kombat XL (85 User: 7.7 Mar 1, 2016)
116. Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions (85 User: 7.5 Nov 25, 2014)
117. Ratchet & Clank (85 User: 8.6 Apr 12, 2016)
118. MLB The Show 16 (85 User: 7.2 Mar 29, 2016)
119. Far Cry 4 (85 User: 7.7 Nov 18, 2014)
120. Moss (85 User: 8.0 PlayStation VR Compatible, PlayStation VR Required Feb 27, 2018)
121. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (85 User: 8.1 Jan 28, 2014)
122. Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (85 User: 8.0 Aug 1, 2017)
123. Super Meat Boy (85 User: 6.9 Oct 6, 2015)
124. Pyre (85 User: 7.9 Jul 25, 2017)
125. FIFA 17 (85 User: 4.8 Sep 27, 2016)
126. DiRT 4 (85 User: 7.5 Jun 6, 2017)
127. 428: Shibuya Scramble (85 User: 7.3 Sep 4, 2018)
128. Gone Home: Console Edition (85 User: 4.5 Jan 12, 2016)
129. Dark Souls Remastered (84 User: 6.4 May 25, 2018)
130. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (84 User: 7.4 Mar 23, 2018)
131. Statik (84 User: 7.8 PlayStation VR Required Apr 24, 2017)
132. Valkyria Chronicles Remastered (84 User: 8.2 May 17, 2016)
133. F1 2018 (84 User: 7.8 Aug 24, 2018)
134. Valkyria Chronicles 4 (84 User: 8.1 Sep 25, 2018)
135. Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 Remix (84 User: 8.9 Mar 28, 2017)
136. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (84 User: 8.0 Sep 30, 2014
137. Beat Saber (84 User: 8.3 PlayStation VR Required Nov 20, 2018
138. Kingdom Hearts III (84 User: 8.0 Jan 29, 2019)
139. DiRT Rally 2.0 (84 User: tbd Feb 22, 2019)
140. Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- (84 User: 7.9 Dec 16, 2014)
141. BlazBlue: Central Fiction (84 User: 7.7 Nov 1, 2016)
142. Salt and Sanctuary (84 User: 8.1 Mar 15, 2016)
143. Day of the Tentacle Remastered (84 User: 7.3 Mar 22, 2016)
144. ZEN Pinball 2: South Park: Super-Sweet Pinball (84 User: 6.0 Oct 14, 2014)
145. SoulCalibur VI (84 User: 6.4 Oct 19, 2018)
146. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (84 User: 7.6 Aug 23, 2016)
147. Thumper (84 User: 7.2 PlayStation VR Compatible Oct 10, 2016)
148. Axiom Verge (84 User: 7.9 Mar 31, 2015)
149. Polybius (84 User: 7.5 PlayStation VR Compatible May 9, 2017)
150. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (84 User: 8.0 Aug 22, 2017)
151. ZEN Pinball 2: Aliens Vs. Pinball (84 User: 5.9 Apr 26, 2016)
152. Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone - Colorful Tone (84 User: 7.6 Jan 10, 2017)
153. Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone - Future Sound (84 User: 7.6 Jan 10, 2017)
154. Resogun (84 User: 7.7 Nov 15, 2013)
155. Lara Croft GO (84 User: 5.5 Dec 3, 2016)
156. Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - New 'n' Tasty (84 User: 7.8 Jul 22, 2014)
157. Hitman - Episode 2: Sapienza (84 User: 6.9 Apr 26, 2016)
158. BioShock: The Collection (84 User: 8.4 Sep 13, 2016)
159. Hitman (84 User: 7.9 Oct 31, 2016)
160. FIFA 18 (84 User: 3.3 Sep 26, 2017)
161. Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster (84 User: 8.7 May 12, 2015)
162. Trine 2: Complete Story (84 User: 7.6 Nov 15, 2013)
163. Assassin's Creed Origins: The Curse of the Pharaohs (83 User: 7.6 Mar 13, 2018)
164. DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition (83 User: 7.3 Mar 10, 2015)
165. Disgaea 1 Complete (83 User: 5.6 Oct 9, 2018)
166. Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 (83 User: 7.2 Sep 12, 2017)
167. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (83 User: 4.1 Oct 12, 2018)
168. Guacamelee! 2 (83 User: 8.0 Aug 21, 2018)
169. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (83 User: 7.8 Nov 12, 2013)
170. Prey: Mooncrash (83 User: 7.1 Jun 11, 2018)
171. Darkest Dungeon (83 User: 7.6 Sep 27, 2016)
172. Resident Evil HD Remaster (83 User: 8.3 Jan 20, 2015)
173. Puyo Puyo Tetris (83 User: 7.5 Apr 25, 2017)
174. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered (83 User: 6.9 Nov 4, 2016)
175. ZEN Pinball 2: Portal Pinball (83 User: 4.9 May 26, 2015)
176. Dragon Quest Builders (83 User: 8.1 Oct 11, 2016)
177. Transistor (83 User: 8.2 May 20, 2014)
178. Yoku's Island Express (83 User: 7.1 May 29, 2018)
179. Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (83 User: 8.2 Apr 17, 2018)
180. Battle Chef Brigade (83 User: tbd Aug 28, 2018)
181. Metro Redux (83 User: 7.9 Aug 26, 2014)
182. The Swapper (83 User: 7.6 Aug 5, 2014)
183. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (83 User: 7.7 Nov 15, 2013)
184. Transpose (83 User: tbd PlayStation VR Compatible Nov 6, 2018)
185. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (83 User: 5.7 Nov 3, 2014)
186. MLB 14: The Show (83 User: 7.6 May 6, 2014)
187. Project CARS (83 User: 6.6 May 12, 2015)
188. Mortal Kombat X (83 User: 7.8 Apr 14, 2015)
189. NBA 2K15 (83 User: 6.9 Oct 7, 2014)
190. Danganronpa 1-2 Reload (83 User: 8.1 Mar 14, 2017)
191. Madden NFL 16 (83 User: 5.9 Aug 25, 2015)
192. FIFA 19 (83 User: 1.7 Sep 25, 2018)
193. Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds (83 User: 8.1 Nov 7, 2017)
194. Detention (83 User: 6.6 Oct 3, 2017)
195. SUPERHOT (83 User: 7.2 Jul 21, 2017)
196. Street Fighter: 30th Anniversary Collection (83 User: 6.8 May 29, 2018)
197. SteamWorld Heist (83 User: 7.4 Jun 7, 2016)
198. Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 3 - Catch A Ride (83 User: 7.6 Jun 23, 2015)
199.Assassin's Creed Odyssey (83 User: 5.9 Oct 2, 2018)
200.Iconoclasts (83 User: 6.6 Jan 23, 2018)
Editor: Heru Setianto
Source Image: unsplash[dot]com/search/photos/ps4
Source: metacritic[dot]com/browse/games/score/metascore/all/ps4/
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200 Daftar Top PlayStation 4 Video Game Review Terbaik Dari Metacritic/ Foto Ilustrasi: unsplash[dot]com |
Berkat penilaian tinggi game “Redem Dead Redemption 2” yang rilis pada tanggal 26 Oktober 2018 silam oleh Pengembang Rockstar Games. Dimana game tersebut mendapat skor mencapai 97 dari skala 0 sampai 100, dan masuk kategori “Universal acclaim”. Membuat game ber-genre Action Adventure dan Open-World tersebut, meraih Awards & Rankings sebagai juara pertama “Best PS4 Game of 2018” dan juara kedua untuk “Most Discussed PS4 Game of 2018” dan ‘Most Shared PS4 Game of 2018” di situs Metacritic.
Meskipun dianggap sebagai dianggap sebagai situs agregasi ulasan online terkemuka di industri video game. Metacritic tak lepas dari pro dan kontra dari penialain kritikus. Dimana The Guardian menilai bahwa banyak analis bisnis dan keuangan akan memakai Metacritic, sebagai salah satu indikator awal melihat potensi penjualan sebuah game. Sementara The Wall Street Journal menulis bahwa Metacritic dapat mempengaruhi penjualan dari video game
Dimana akibat dari pemberian skor rendah pada sebuah video game, dapat merusak potensi penjualan dalam jangka panjang Sementara studi yang diungkapan dalam situs dailydot com, bahwa skor metakritik tidak mempunyai dampak dalam penjualan game.
200 Daftar Top PlayStation 4 Video Game Review Terbaik Dari Metacritic
1. Red Dead Redemption 2 (97 User: 7.9 Oct 26, 2018)
2. Grand Theft Auto V (97 User: 8.3 Nov 18, 2014)
3. The Last of Us Remastered (95 User: 9.1 Jul 29, 2014)
4. God of War (94 User: 9.1 Apr 20, 2018)
5. Persona 5 (93 User: 8.7 Apr 4, 2017)
6. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (93 User: 8.2 Sep 1, 2015
7. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (93 User: 8.4 May 10, 2016)
8. Journey (92 User: 8.4 Jul 21, 2015)
9. Bloodborne (92 User: 8.9 Mar 24, 2015)
10. Undertale (92 User: 6.5 Aug 15, 2017)
11. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (92 User: 9.2 May 19, 2015)
12. Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition (92 User: 7.6 Aug 31, 2018)
13. Shadow of the Colossus (91 User: 8.1 Feb 6, 2018)
14. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine (91 User: 8.9 May 30, 2016)
15. Resident Evil 2 (91 User: 9.0 Jan 25, 2019)
16. Celeste (91 User: 6.6 Jan 25, 2018)
17. INSIDE (91 User: 8.3 Aug 23, 2016)
18. flower(91 User: 7.2 Nov 15, 2013)
19. Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition (90 User: 7.9 Aug 19, 2014)
20. Overwatch (90 User: 6.4 May 23, 2016)
21. Shovel Knight (90 User: 7.6 Apr 21, 2015)
22. Rayman Legends (90 User: 8.4 Feb 18, 2014)
23. Fez (90 User: 6.3 Mar 25, 2014)
24. Monster Hunter: World (90 User: 7.6 Jan 26, 2018)
25. Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 5 - The Vault of the Traveler (90 User: 8.0 Oct 20, 2015)
Baca: 200 Daftar Top PC Video Game Review Sepanjang Masa Dari Metacritic
100 Daftar Top Movie Review Terbaik Sepanjang Masa dari Rotten Tomatoes
250 Daftar Top Movies Terpopuler Sepanjang Masa dari IMDb Rating
26. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone (90 User: 8.8 Oct 12, 2015)
27. Astro Bot: Rescue Mission (90 User: 8.9 PlayStation VR Required Oct 2, 2018)
28. Steins;Gate Elite (90 User: tbd Feb 19, 2019)
29. Apex Legends (89 User: 6.9 Feb 4, 2019)
30. Rez Infinite (89 User: 7.7 PlayStation VR Compatible Oct 13, 2016)
31. Titanfall 2 (89 User: 8.4 Oct 28, 2016)
32. Dark Souls III (89 User: 8.8 Apr 12, 2016)
33. Tetris Effect (89 User: 7.7 PlayStation VR Compatible Nov 9, 2018)
34. Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood (89 User: 8.6 Jun 20, 2017)
35. Bastion (89 User: 7.8 Apr 7, 2015)
36. Dragon Age: Inquisition (89 User: 7.4 Nov 18, 2014)
37. Battlefield 1 (89 User: 7.9 Oct 18, 2016)
38. Horizon Zero Dawn (89 User: 8.4 Feb 28, 2017)
39. Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition (89 User: 6.5 Sep 3, 2014)
40. What Remains of Edith Finch (88 User: 8.1 Apr 25, 2017)
41. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (88 User: 7.7 Nov 4, 2014)
42. NieR: Automata (88 User: 8.9 Mar 7, 2017)
43. Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration (88 User: 8.1 PlayStation VR Compatible Oct 11, 2016)
44. NBA 2K17 (88 User: 6.4 Sep 16, 2016)
45. Dishonored 2 (88 User: 7.9 Nov 10, 2016)
46. Injustice 2: Legendary Edition (88 User: 7.2 Mar 27, 2018)
47. Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition (88 User: 7.9 Oct 27, 2015)
48. Owlboy (88 User: 6.7 Apr 10, 2018)
49.Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (88 User: 6.7 PlayStation VR Compatible, PlayStation VR Required Oct 13, 2016)
50. The Talos Principle (88 User: 8.2 Oct 13, 2015)
51. Nex Machina: Death Machine (88 User: 7.9 Jun 20, 2017)
52. Nioh (88 User: 8.5 Feb 7, 2017)
53. Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (87 User: 7.6 Jul 1, 2014)
54. Bloodborne: The Old Hunters (87 User: 9.0 Nov 24, 2015)
55. XCOM 2 (87 User: 7.3 Sep 27, 2016)
56. Injustice 2 (87 User: 8.1 May 16, 2017)
57. The Witness (87 (User: 7.2 Jan 26, 2016)
58. Dead Cells (87 User: 7.5 Aug 7, 2018)
59. Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition (87 User: 6.9 Jan 16, 2018)
60. Night in the Woods (87 User: 7.4 Feb 21, 2017)
61. Dragon Ball FighterZ (87 User: 8.0 Jan 26, 2018)
62. Batman: Arkham Knight (87 User: 7.8 Jun 23, 2015)
63. Okami HD (87 User: 7.9 Dec 12, 2017)
64. Marvel's Spider-Man (87 User: 8.7 Sep 7, 2018)
65. TowerFall Ascension (87 User: 7.0 Mar 11, 2014)
66. FIFA 14 (87 User: 6.3 Nov 12, 2013)
67. Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 (87 User: 7.2 Sep 15, 2015)
68. Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (87 User: 7.9 Mar 24, 2017)
69. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (87 User: 7.5 Oct 27, 2017)
70. Odin Sphere Leifthrasir (87 User: 8.1 Jun 7, 2016)
71. Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (87 User: 8.4 Dec 4, 2018)
72. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin (87 User: 8.0 Apr 7, 2015)
73. Sonic Mania Plus (87 User: 7.8 Jul 17, 2018)
74. NBA 2K16 (87 User: 6.7 Sep 25, 2015)
75. Fallout 4 (87 User: 6.6 Nov 10, 2015)
76. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (86 User: 8.5 Oct 9, 2015)
77. Tales from the Borderlands: A Telltale Game Series (86 User: 8.1 Oct 20, 2015)
78. F1 2017 (86 User: 7.6 Aug 25, 2017)
79. Velocity 2X (86 User: 6.9 Sep 2, 2014)
80. Stardew Valley (86 User: 7.6 Dec 13, 2016)
81. Thimbleweed Park (86 User: 7.5 Aug 22, 2017)
82. Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- (86 User: 8.0 Jun 7, 2016)
83. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (86 User: 8.4 Jul 11, 2017)
84. Sonic Mania (86 User: 8.4 Aug 15, 2017)
85. Resident Evil 7: biohazard (86 User: 7.9 PlayStation VR Compatible Jan 24, 2017)
86. Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward (86 User: 8.3 Jun 23, 2015)
87. Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn (86 User: 7.3 Apr 14, 2014)
88. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age (86 User: 8.7 Sep 4, 2018)
89. Destiny: The Taken King (86 User: 6.2 Sep 15, 2015)
90. Guilty Gear Xrd: Rev 2 (86 User: 7.8 May 26, 2017)
91. OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood (86 User: 6.5 Mar 3, 2015)
92. Resogun: Heroes (86 User: 7.2 Jun 24, 2014)
93. DiRT Rally (85 User: 7.9 Apr 5, 2016)
94. Crypt of the NecroDancer (85 User: 6.7 Feb 2, 2016)
95. Battlefield 4 (85 User: 7.0 Nov 12, 2013)
96. Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition (85 User: 7.5 Aug 29, 2017)
97. DOOM (85 User: 8.3 May 13, 2016)
98. NBA 2K14 (85 User: 6.5 Nov 12, 2013)
99. Life is Strange (85 User: 8.6 Oct 20, 2015)
100. Nioh: Bloodshed's End (85 User: 6.6 Sep 26, 2017)
101. Rocket League (85 User: 8.5 Jul 7, 2015)
102. Final Fantasy IX (85 User: 9.0 Sep 19, 2017)
103. DJMax Respect (85 User: 7.5 Mar 6, 2018)
104. Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 (85 User: 7.3 Sep 13, 2016)
105. Resogun: Defenders (85 User: 7.1 Feb 17, 2015)
106. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA (85 User: 8.1 Sep 12, 2017)
107. Yakuza 0 (85 User: 8.4 Jan 24, 2017)
108. MLB The Show 17 (85 User: 6.9 Mar 28, 2017)
109. Destiny 2 (85 User: 4.9 Sep 6, 2017)
110. Assault Android Cactus (85 User: 6.5 Mar 8, 2016)
111. Super Mega Baseball (85 User: 7.3 Dec 16, 2014)
112. Yakuza Kiwami 2 (85 User: 7.9 Aug 28, 2018)
113. Rogue Legacy (85 User: 7.7 Jul 29, 2014)
114. Wipeout: Omega Collection (85 User: 8.2 PlayStation VR Compatible Jun 6, 2017)
115. Mortal Kombat XL (85 User: 7.7 Mar 1, 2016)
116. Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions (85 User: 7.5 Nov 25, 2014)
117. Ratchet & Clank (85 User: 8.6 Apr 12, 2016)
118. MLB The Show 16 (85 User: 7.2 Mar 29, 2016)
119. Far Cry 4 (85 User: 7.7 Nov 18, 2014)
120. Moss (85 User: 8.0 PlayStation VR Compatible, PlayStation VR Required Feb 27, 2018)
121. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (85 User: 8.1 Jan 28, 2014)
122. Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (85 User: 8.0 Aug 1, 2017)
123. Super Meat Boy (85 User: 6.9 Oct 6, 2015)
124. Pyre (85 User: 7.9 Jul 25, 2017)
125. FIFA 17 (85 User: 4.8 Sep 27, 2016)
126. DiRT 4 (85 User: 7.5 Jun 6, 2017)
127. 428: Shibuya Scramble (85 User: 7.3 Sep 4, 2018)
128. Gone Home: Console Edition (85 User: 4.5 Jan 12, 2016)
129. Dark Souls Remastered (84 User: 6.4 May 25, 2018)
130. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (84 User: 7.4 Mar 23, 2018)
131. Statik (84 User: 7.8 PlayStation VR Required Apr 24, 2017)
132. Valkyria Chronicles Remastered (84 User: 8.2 May 17, 2016)
133. F1 2018 (84 User: 7.8 Aug 24, 2018)
134. Valkyria Chronicles 4 (84 User: 8.1 Sep 25, 2018)
135. Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 Remix (84 User: 8.9 Mar 28, 2017)
136. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (84 User: 8.0 Sep 30, 2014
137. Beat Saber (84 User: 8.3 PlayStation VR Required Nov 20, 2018
138. Kingdom Hearts III (84 User: 8.0 Jan 29, 2019)
139. DiRT Rally 2.0 (84 User: tbd Feb 22, 2019)
140. Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- (84 User: 7.9 Dec 16, 2014)
141. BlazBlue: Central Fiction (84 User: 7.7 Nov 1, 2016)
142. Salt and Sanctuary (84 User: 8.1 Mar 15, 2016)
143. Day of the Tentacle Remastered (84 User: 7.3 Mar 22, 2016)
144. ZEN Pinball 2: South Park: Super-Sweet Pinball (84 User: 6.0 Oct 14, 2014)
145. SoulCalibur VI (84 User: 6.4 Oct 19, 2018)
146. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (84 User: 7.6 Aug 23, 2016)
147. Thumper (84 User: 7.2 PlayStation VR Compatible Oct 10, 2016)
148. Axiom Verge (84 User: 7.9 Mar 31, 2015)
149. Polybius (84 User: 7.5 PlayStation VR Compatible May 9, 2017)
150. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (84 User: 8.0 Aug 22, 2017)
151. ZEN Pinball 2: Aliens Vs. Pinball (84 User: 5.9 Apr 26, 2016)
152. Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone - Colorful Tone (84 User: 7.6 Jan 10, 2017)
153. Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone - Future Sound (84 User: 7.6 Jan 10, 2017)
154. Resogun (84 User: 7.7 Nov 15, 2013)
155. Lara Croft GO (84 User: 5.5 Dec 3, 2016)
156. Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - New 'n' Tasty (84 User: 7.8 Jul 22, 2014)
157. Hitman - Episode 2: Sapienza (84 User: 6.9 Apr 26, 2016)
158. BioShock: The Collection (84 User: 8.4 Sep 13, 2016)
159. Hitman (84 User: 7.9 Oct 31, 2016)
160. FIFA 18 (84 User: 3.3 Sep 26, 2017)
161. Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster (84 User: 8.7 May 12, 2015)
162. Trine 2: Complete Story (84 User: 7.6 Nov 15, 2013)
163. Assassin's Creed Origins: The Curse of the Pharaohs (83 User: 7.6 Mar 13, 2018)
164. DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition (83 User: 7.3 Mar 10, 2015)
165. Disgaea 1 Complete (83 User: 5.6 Oct 9, 2018)
166. Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 (83 User: 7.2 Sep 12, 2017)
167. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (83 User: 4.1 Oct 12, 2018)
168. Guacamelee! 2 (83 User: 8.0 Aug 21, 2018)
169. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (83 User: 7.8 Nov 12, 2013)
170. Prey: Mooncrash (83 User: 7.1 Jun 11, 2018)
171. Darkest Dungeon (83 User: 7.6 Sep 27, 2016)
172. Resident Evil HD Remaster (83 User: 8.3 Jan 20, 2015)
173. Puyo Puyo Tetris (83 User: 7.5 Apr 25, 2017)
174. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered (83 User: 6.9 Nov 4, 2016)
175. ZEN Pinball 2: Portal Pinball (83 User: 4.9 May 26, 2015)
176. Dragon Quest Builders (83 User: 8.1 Oct 11, 2016)
177. Transistor (83 User: 8.2 May 20, 2014)
178. Yoku's Island Express (83 User: 7.1 May 29, 2018)
179. Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (83 User: 8.2 Apr 17, 2018)
180. Battle Chef Brigade (83 User: tbd Aug 28, 2018)
181. Metro Redux (83 User: 7.9 Aug 26, 2014)
182. The Swapper (83 User: 7.6 Aug 5, 2014)
183. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (83 User: 7.7 Nov 15, 2013)
184. Transpose (83 User: tbd PlayStation VR Compatible Nov 6, 2018)
185. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (83 User: 5.7 Nov 3, 2014)
186. MLB 14: The Show (83 User: 7.6 May 6, 2014)
187. Project CARS (83 User: 6.6 May 12, 2015)
188. Mortal Kombat X (83 User: 7.8 Apr 14, 2015)
189. NBA 2K15 (83 User: 6.9 Oct 7, 2014)
190. Danganronpa 1-2 Reload (83 User: 8.1 Mar 14, 2017)
191. Madden NFL 16 (83 User: 5.9 Aug 25, 2015)
192. FIFA 19 (83 User: 1.7 Sep 25, 2018)
193. Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds (83 User: 8.1 Nov 7, 2017)
194. Detention (83 User: 6.6 Oct 3, 2017)
195. SUPERHOT (83 User: 7.2 Jul 21, 2017)
196. Street Fighter: 30th Anniversary Collection (83 User: 6.8 May 29, 2018)
197. SteamWorld Heist (83 User: 7.4 Jun 7, 2016)
198. Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 3 - Catch A Ride (83 User: 7.6 Jun 23, 2015)
199.Assassin's Creed Odyssey (83 User: 5.9 Oct 2, 2018)
200.Iconoclasts (83 User: 6.6 Jan 23, 2018)
Editor: Heru Setianto
Source Image: unsplash[dot]com/search/photos/ps4
Source: metacritic[dot]com/browse/games/score/metascore/all/ps4/
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